Tiredness bring it to a day of my life. Could not be found, could not be seen, could not be sense. One word, misremember the other word forget always happen around me and surrounding me. Can i ask, Do you still remember me? But i don't have the courage to do so. I don't feel like i'm anything to you. And i don't think that you make me step in your life. I'm just lingering outside the fence of your heart.
Today, i clicked on the link to see your blog. I feel so awkward, i feel so sad. When i start reading your blog, i can't stop my tear running down. It is so fool of me. It is so naive of me. I shouldn't be get the feeling. I'm might be just a dot in a pixel. This is my misery life, or misery comes to me?
If you don't have the heart for it, please make the last sentence and turn back to basic. One red dot is always that obvious in a group of black. Everyone is so different, that you might not notice. Stop mind playing but playing with your mind. Dance to the music and take a break.
Stop thinking, swallow all the pain, turn to the other road and continue. I can't let go this easily, i cannot be this stubborn, but i will try it out! I really hope that i can still hold up all this till the end.