Wednesday, April 8, 2009


i am totally freak out with the boring life i having now... it was so not cool and i was going to be freak out of myself. of cause i did not freak out... i go to movie download site download 2 movie which is mean girl and bride war.... is pretty funny thought. then i watch 3 movie today, feng yun animation... wow is cool and the other 2 is the movie i downloaded. doing some smudge work, finally i remember what mei teng said to me yesterday. Then i do some art work with photoshop. I name it vivid butterfly, don't ask me why i name it, i don'teven have the idea why i name it like this.

well, then i put the vivid butterfly art work in into blog name x-coz where all my mix's event friends is there. But i hope they did not see it... because i feel that is quite lame... they usually won't find out... kekeke...

actually im quite proud of myself cause i still have the thinking to help other do assignment while now im not studying. it is fun to help people. it was yesterday, that this thing happen. my cousin ask help from me, and he is study business. ofcause i agree to help him althought im not a business student. then luckily is all "briefly discuss" question. I am good at that, maybe. i study awhile what the question, then i use bout 3 hours to finish it. I think im good, but i hope the answer is correct.

after finish cousin's assignment, my sister, nicole ask for my help. HELL YEA!!! im helping her. Just some typing work. i do it fast and clean. Now i am thinking that would someone employ me as a typist... im good... haha...

well finally... i blogging here... with smell yea smile when i post it... you bet i'll do it... cos i really will do it... IM NOT MEAN~


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